Saturday, May 27, 2017

Who I Am

It's been bothering me for some time now that I have something precious and I'm not sharing it enough with others.  This blog is an attempt to change that.

I should explain why I chose the name for this blog--particularly two defining words--"Mormon" and "Mom."  Both are major parts of my identity.  "Mormon" is a nickname for members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints--my religion.  The Church and my parents have been the biggest influences in what I have become.  The Church is important to me because I know it's led by Jesus Christ.  He restored (brought back) His church on the earth in 1820 through a prophet, and although that prophet died 24 years later, the Church remains and has continued to be led by Christ through living prophets.  So it isn't a man-made organization, but it's really God's organization for His children in these latter days (vs. ancient days).

The Book of Mormon and the teachings of modern prophets are the sources of the knowledge I have that I really wish all my friends had.  They're all online, but so many people don't know about them--or can't rely on them because they don't know they're true.  (I'd love to write later about how people can find out what is true and what isn't!)

The Book of Mormon is a book of scripture, and it's where the Church got its nickname.  It's precious to me because of how I feel when I read it, and the clear understanding it has given me of gospel of Jesus Christ.  To learn more about it, you can click here.

Another major part of my identity is that I'm a MOM.  I have 5 kids from age fifteen to six.   I consider motherhood the best thing that I do and am.  Here's the most recent snapshot of our family--

Some of my hobbies are music (I play the piano and the violin, and I like to sing in choirs when I can); family history research (I search online to find information about our ancestors and create a family tree--I'll explain why in a future entry); baking sourdough bread and some other stuff using live cultures; reading (I mostly read nonfiction lately); walking, yoga, and doing volunteer work (my favorite being helping my second grader's teacher once a week).  I've always felt like I'm good at some things, but not great at any of them; there are many better musicians than me, better cooks, more knowledgeable family history researchers, better athletes, and more involved volunteers.  Nevertheless, I enjoy what I do, and I'm a happy person.

What defines you?